In the past couple of years, the interviewing process has changed significantly. We have seen an increase in virtual interviews everywhere. No doubt facing a video job interview can be pretty daunting – especially if it’s something you haven’t experienced before.
If you need to prepare for a video interview, you may be wondering how they differ from in-person interviews. Job interviews have always been daunting, no matter how experienced you are. The first impression and how you prove yourself can put you on the spot, now add a virtual job interview to the mix, and the chances of things going wrong can be higher.
What Are the Types of Virtual Job Interviews?
Live Video Interviews:
where the employer or recruiter will be interviewing you. The video call can be on Skype, Zoom or Google Hangouts. Once you are connected and ready to go, the interview will begin. Remember to prepare yourself like you would for an in-person interview.
One-Way/Pre-Recorded Video Interviews:
Instead of seeing a person, you will be asked to answer a set of questions that will have to be pre-recorded. Generally, you will get instructions on how to join the interview process. You will need to record your answers to each question given. Most of the time, there’s a time limit for your answers. Remember to practice (if possible). Later the employer will review the answers, and the process will continue.
5 Tips to Improve Your Next Video Job Interview:
1. Create the right environment:
think about what you want to show the person interviewing you. Do you want them to see dirty dishes in the background? Or a messy room? You might think they can’t see that far, but you will be surprised how clear your camera will show those “small” little details that you can forget about it. Create an environment where it has the perfect lighting and background. Also, remember the background noise! Make sure you are somewhere that has minimal noise, e.g. a busy coffee shop isn’t the best place for a video interview. Go somewhere where you know you won’t be interrupted, and it’s quiet so you can entirely focus on what’s been asked etc.
2. Slow things down:
Make sure you have plenty of time for the interview. You don’t want to be stressing out that you might miss your next appointment. Set aside plenty of time to get the interview done at a slow but comfortable pace. Also, make sure you have plenty of time to set up beforehand. This can prevent you from stressing that you may be “late” or not ready to get the interview started. Taking the time to prepare, execute and finalise your virtual interview is the key.
3. Be natural and relaxed on camera (be yourself!):
Remember that you need to speak authentically. If you are reading from another screen, make sure your eyes are still looking at the camera – think eye contact here. Be yourself and try to stay calm and relaxed when you are on camera. Take five big breaths before you start the interview to calm your nerves down. When you are talking, take the time and pace yourself; remember to breathe when you speak.
4. Sit Up Straight and Dress Up Professionally:
Although you aren’t going to a location to be interviewed, you should always dress up professionally and sit straight for the virtual interview. Remember that first impressions matter. Your appearance can make or break, ensure you look professional and also smile! Whether you are talking to a person on the other side of the screen or recording an interview, sitting up straight and smiling will help you look more professional and engaged.
5. Do A Test Run with Your Computer:
There’s nothing worse than a computer that is not working correctly, has a flat battery or the program you need is not compatible with your PC. Ensure you know what format you need to run on your computer before the actual interview and do a test run. Check your internet connection is ok and make sure everything is working properly. Familiarise yourself with the program you will be using. Ask a friend or family member to connect with you in the chosen platform to ensure it all runs smoothly.
What’s next?
Good online interview skills can be the difference between gaining and losing your next job opportunity. Remember to use the same basic skills that you would use for in-person interviews. Communicate confidently, don’t stress too much, practise your answers and use these tips for your next video job interview. If you aren’t sure how to prepare for an interview, read the Interview Preparation: 5 Tips for Success.
Contact Pam Foster from CareerStylr to help you get ready to nail your job application from start to finish.